Why do you need a plan for your Lifestyle?
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” ~ Proverbs 29:18
What is your vision for your Life? If you don’t have vision for yourself, how will you know if you are heading in the right direction? Life is constantly changing and the only thing that is constant is change. Therefore, it is important that you have a roadmap for your future, and accountability to make sure you are staying on that path. When it comes to planning for your lifestyle, you want to make sure you have all the bases covered. What do you want to make better about your Lifestyle? What do you want to protect in your Lifestyle? Are there transitions in your Lifestyle? If you are a business owner, your Lifestyle revolves around that business. Lifestyle Planning is critical to insuring you achieve the goals you have currently and for your future. It is not just about your Financial Lifestyle though. You need to make sure that all aspects of your Lifestyle are taken in to consideration. How are you doing Spiritually? Physically? Relationally? All things must be considered. If you are only planning for one aspect of your Lifestyle, you are missing the rest of the equation.
For example, you have all the money in the world, but you have no purpose, what good does it do you and your family? You would still be miserable with wealth. If you are in good financial shape but you have not taken care of yourself physically, how do you plan to enjoy the fruits of your labor? If you are in great shape in all the other areas of your life but have not planned financially, how to plan on living out your purpose to the best of your ability?
Why not work with a team that looks at all of these things? At Perpetual Lifestyle Planning, we want to build a relationship with you and hold you accountable. Our number one goal is to make a positive impact in your life. We can only do that by keeping all of this in mind. Let us help you walk in purpose and bring your vision to life.
The first step will be to determine your goals and needs. We can help you determine where you are currently and figure out where you want to go. From there, we will come up with recommendations on you can best accomplish your goals and dreams. You determine what you want to implement but we will give you guidance on what we feel is in your best interest. Once we start to move forward with your choices, we determine the frequency of meetings. Do you want more accountability or less? It’s all up to you. We are here to help you take next steps and keep you on track but it needs to be a mutually beneficial relationship. If you are not planning this way now, why not start doing it differently. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
If you are not getting the desired results from your current plan or you don’t have one, let’s get started in the right direction and put one together as a team.
We look forward to talking with you!
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