“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” ~ Proverbs 29:18
How do you know if you know if you are on the right track, if you don’t know where you are going? Everyone wants to get to retirement but many don’t know what they will do when they get there. We are often trained to save, invest, and work for the majority of our lives. Therefore, when we don’t have to work, invest, or save any longer, we don’t know what to do.
We are all designed with a purpose in life. A purpose that so often goes unfulfilled. The richest place in the world is the cemetery. The reason for this is so many gifts and talents that have been given to each one of us, and too many times, those things lay dormant and are never used to their full potential. With this in mind, what if we chose to look at retirement differently.
If you have properly prepared for that day where you can throw off your job title and ride off into the sunset, you will have time on your hands. Lots of time. And most likely, you will have plenty of money. Now what? Golf? Tennis? Beach? Lake? Sports Cars? Hobbies? Kids? Grandkids? While all of these are worthy causes, I would offer you that none of these would provide total fulfillment. You see, we weren’t designed to be served, but to serve. What better time to take advantage of this than when you have the time and the ability to do so. What if you spent time doing the things you enjoy but also focused on others since you don’t have to take care of as many duties? Volunteer. Serve. Give.
Don’t get me wrong. I like all of the things above and I believe that one needs to treat themselves from time to time. But this life isn’t all about us. Nor is it all about this life. One day we will have to answer for the life we lived and the decisions that we made. I want to make sure I have a good answer for the things I was chosen to steward.
Make sure you have purpose planned in your new season of life. Purpose is fulfilling. It gives us a sense of meaning that none of the things of this world can provide. Money is needed to survive and I help people manage it. It is a powerful tool that can be used for good. We work hard to obtain it and it should be handled properly.
If you have not retired yet, you don’t have to wait until then to start living life with purpose. You can start now, no matter your role or vocation. But once you get there, you will certainly need to find some ways to occupy your time. I have seen clients with purpose live fruitful lives for a long time. And I have seen those who had no purpose die quickly, or worse, live a long time with no true meaning in life. Wealth without vision or purpose is meaningless. Make sure you plan accordingly, there will be a test in the end.
It is our goal to help you discover that purpose and make sure you are living with it on a regular basis.